What if your investment in art could help stop violence and abuse against children?
By supporting this artwork, you acknowledge the injustices they have faced and actively contribute to improving how childhood trauma is addressed.
You, as an individual or with your company, can help survivors of repeated childhood trauma in the recognition of what they have been through.
Help SOS Childrens Villages Belgium to help others. We will give your company credit for its contribution: we are happy to display the company logo and the donation amount. In this way, your company demonstrates its commitment to building a trauma-sensitive and trauma-preventive society.
Everyone knows someone who is a survivor and experienced terrible things in childhood. Help make a difference at a crucial step: the recognition of what happened to them. Together, we are working towards a trauma-sensitive and trauma-preventive society.
SOS Children’s Villages Belgium and the therapeutic center Ter Wende-Espero believe that ‘City Jewel’ is a place of recognition to everyone who has experienced childhood trauma. City Jewel, as a place of recognition, is part of a broader movement of people and organizations striving for a trauma-sensitive society. The work is co-funded by the Flemish Government and the National Lottery.
SOS Children’s Villages Belgium and the therapeutic center Ter Wende-Espero, together with survivors, partners and experts.